These Sensys speakers have been designed for use in rooms with average to good acoustics
without port damper bungs fitted. However, in smaller rooms where loudspeaker positioning
is forced closer to rear or sidewalls, the foam port damper bung supplied in the accessory
kit can be inserted into the reflex port. This will reduce the bass energy but 'speed-up' the
sound presentation.
There is no absolute right or wrong here, therefore much will depend on your own musical
The Sensys grille has been designed to provide acoustic transparency. However, for ultimate
fidelity the enthusiast will appreciate the slight improvement in clarity and detail that is
achieved by removing the grilles during listening.
The mesh grille on the front of the pod mounted
HF unit diaphragm, on the
Dual Concentric™ models only, is held in place by magnetism and may easily, but carefully,
It is essential that the
tweeter and SuperTweeter™ diaphragms are not touched,
any damage will destroy performance and require specialist repair by your Tannoy dealer.
Any such damage will not be covered under warranty.
The cabinets should only be cleaned with a dry cloth or with a light application of quality
non-silicone furniture polish.
Unlike other forms of encoded surround audio, 5.1 offers full bandwidth capability for
the surround and centre channels, with the ability to treat the subwoofer as a single discreet
channel for special effects playback or, for music applications, as a dedicated low frequency
instrument channel. This places new demands on the surround and centre channel
loudspeakers in both the mixing environment and the playback environment.
The 5.1 format allows the mix engineer in the recording studio to assign audio information
to one or more discreet channels of playback; providing very vivid and exacting localisation
for the apparent sound sources in the listening environment. To reliably recreate that accurate
localisation during playback, the selection and location of loudspeakers becomes the single
most critical issue next to the talent of the mix engineer in the studio. (See fig. 11)
A fully operational 5.1 system consists of two main front loudspeakers, two rear effects
speakers at the rear (usually wall mounted) and a centre channel. The subwoofer provides
the .1 part of the system.
Total design compatibility, ensuring all models share the same acoustical balance and
dispersion characteristics, means that it is essential that an A/V system is built around
either the Sensys Discrete or Dual Concentric™ models - it is not possible to mix the driver
types as the acoustic integration of each has been optimised only for use as a complete
In Home Theatre applications this acoustic benefit provides a very focussed soundstage
retaining natural voicing and ensuring that aural effects and speech localisation 'pan' from
left to right and front to rear seamlessly.
The large magnet assemblies on the loudspeaker drive units of all Sensys models are fully
screened to eliminate colour-fringing effects when mounted close to television monitors.