The following NMEA sentences are red for displaying different data. The
sentences are in priority order (i.e. if the NMEA navigater is sending more than
one sentence, the information in the first sentence is displayed.)
Position: 1. GGA, 2. RMC, 3. RMA, 4.GLL
Date and time: 1. ZDA, 2.RMC, 3.GGA, 4.GLL,
5. BWC, 6.BWR
Speed Over Ground: 1. RMC, 2. RMA, 3. VTG
Course Over Ground: 1. RMC, 2. RMA, 3. VTG
Bearing To Waypoint: 1. BWC, 2. RMB, 3. BWR
Distance To Waypoint: 1. BWC, 2. RMB, 3. BWR
Time To Go: 1. Internally computed.
5 Calibration
To enter the calibration mode, press KEY for more than two
seconds. To scroll in the calibration list, press UP or DOWN.
To change a value or setting in the calibration, unlock with
KEY, change with UP/DOWN and lock the value with KEY
5.1 Damping
The damping controls averaging time for computing speed
and course over ground. d0 is minimum damping and d9 is
maximum damping. Note! The minimum damping cannot be
faster than the NMEA navigators transmission.