
The RUBICON amplifiers incorporate an on-board staggered electronic cross-
over. No external electronic crossover is necessary. The low pass portion of
the crossover can be set independently of the rest of the system.
12 dB/Octave High Pass
24 dB/Octave Low Pass
In many car audio installations, there is a tendency for a “midbass boom.”
Because of their interior dimensions, most cars will resonate or ring at these
midbass frequencies. If we design the system so there is reduced output in
this region, the final response is very smooth and natural sounding. The
Rubicon501/ has an always on low pass crossover that is independently
variable from 40 to 160 Hz at 24 dB/Octave.
For initial crossover setup, try setting the low pass filter to approximately 60
Hz, and the high
pass filter on the
rest of the sytem
to approximately
100 Hz. Change
the crossover
points to accom-
modate a good mix-
ture of frequency
response, power
handling, and per-
sonal preference.
Phase Switch
In many car audio systems placement of the subwoofers can cause them
to be out of phase with the rest of the system. This may cause poor
subwoofer performance due to varying arrival times. To eliminate this the
Rubicon501/ incorporates a 0 to 180 phase switch. By playing low
frequency music and experimenting with the subwoofer phasing better
sound quality and bass imaging may be obtained.