with overload protection, permanent lubrication & multi-speed capability. Unit(s) shall contain a
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) with a control circuit fuse & microprocessor, factory wired &
mounted, that receives & processes all commands & transmissions from the system Infrared
Remote Controller. Indoor unit(s) shall also contain an Operation Switch with visible lamps for
operation, standby & timer functions, as well as, a system test switch & a manual ON/OFF switch.
Unit(s) shall contain an air sensor thermistor, a coil freeze safety thermistor to prevent freeze-up, a
factory installed light-duty condensate drain pump, drain pan, hose & fitting, and refrigeration line
connections with flare nuts.
Indoor section shall be provided with a factory assembled concentric supply & return air grille
with a motorized louver/flap on each of the four (4) supply air openings. Motorized louvers/flaps,
controlled by the infrared remote controller, shall provide automatic, full oscillating supply
airflow, as well as being capable of being placed in a set, stationary position. Up to two (2) of the
supply air openings may be closed for ceiling perimeter or corner mounting, and to utilize
alternate plenum supply air option. Indoor Unit(s) will be furnished with an in-ceiling plenum,
which surrounds the evaporator coil section. Plenum shall contain alternate supply air knockout(s)
to allow for ducted airflow to a separate room. Unit(s) shall be capable of utilizing fresh, outside
air up to a maximum of 20% of the rated CFM of the system, with the field installed, optional
Fresh Air Intake Chamber manufactured by Sanyo. Unit(s) shall be furnished with long life (2,500
hour), anti-mold, poly type washable air filters that can be easily removed without removing
indoor unit casing. Indoor unit(s) shall be powered by voltage from the matching outdoor unit(s).
4) AVAILABLE SANYO ACCESSORIES – Recessed Ceiling Mount Models
Insulated Copper Line Sets, Condensate Pumps, Outdoor
Section Wall Mounting Bracket, Hard Wired Remote Controller, and Fresh Air Intake Chamber.