
This owners manual is organized as follows.
Quick Start
This section is intended for those using the TD-10 for the first time, and explains how to use various
functions in a simple way. Please read Quick Start and follow along by actually operating the TD-
10. This will help you understand most of what you need to know for basic operations. If you find
unfamiliar words or terms, refer to the Glossary on p. 169. More advanced ways of using the TD-
10, or details of other operations are explained the Reference section.
Advanced Use
This section explains all functions of the TD-10 in detail and is divided into specific parts. Basic
panel operations and displays are covered in the Quick Start. The Advanced Use section assumes
you already understand basic procedures, so if anythings unclear, refer to the Quick Start.
Chapter 1. Overview of the TD-10 V-drums
This chapter explains the concept of the TD-10 and how it is organized. Read this chapter in order to
understand what the TD-10 is.
Chapters 2–5. Functions for creating sound
If you wish to learn more about the sound creation possibilities introduced in the Quick Start,
refer to chapters 25.
Chapter 6. Using a sequencer and related functions
This chapter explains sequencer functions such as performance, recording, click settings, and pattern
Chapter 7. Settings for the entire TD-10
This chapter explains settings that affect the entire TD-10, such as adjusting the overall sound, sav-
ing data to a memory card etc.
Chapters 8 and 9. Convenient functions and how to use them
These chapters explain how to use pads or pedals for pattern play back, and other functions, and
about time-saving operations such as copy and help.
Chapter 10. Functions using MIDI
This chapter explains how to use MIDIwhether it be for saving data to an external device, or for
using the TD-10 as a sound module.
If you run into problems, refer to Troubleshooting to make sure that the settings are correct. If an
error message appears during operation, refer to Message/Error Message List and take appropri-
ate action. This section also provides information related to sound editing, MIDI, various lists, and
the MIDI implementation charts.
* The display screens printed in this owner’s manual are based on the factory settings. However, please be aware
that in some cases they may differ from the actual factory settings.
How to read this owner’s manual