QUALCOMM Incorporated
Setting Eudora Preferences
To display category windows where you can specify how you want to use Eudora, select
Options from the Tools menu. By selecting or turning off criteria on these windows, you
customize Eudora to suit your needs.
The many Options categories are described in this section. When you first install Eudora,
the Options windows contain preset settings.
After you totally finished changing the settings in all categories, click OK. Your settings will
be changed.
Note. For your convenience, some options appear in more than one category. For
example, your return address appears in both the Getting Started options window and the
Sending Mail options window. Changing an option in one category changes the option in
all categories in which it appears.
Important. For advanced users only: if you need to use an Esoteric Settings plug-in, copy
esoteric.epi from the Extra stuff subfolder into your main Eudora Pro folder. This will
allow an interface to several features in your options settings. You will notice additional
icons appearing at the end of the category list in Options.
Getting Started
On the Getting Started options window, you can determine the minimum information
necessary to send and receive mail. The information here is for your “dominant” person-
ality, which is your principal email account.
To display the Getting Started options window, do the following.
1 From the Tools menu, choose Options.
2 Click the Getting Started icon. The Getting Started options window appears.