Even after more than twenty years since the founding of our company PIEGA, we
have still kept our passion for building loudspeakers for discerning audiophiles. We
have held true to our core expertise and our specialties, the LDR (Linear Drive
Ribbon) tweeter, the coaxial ribbon system and the seamless aluminum cabinet
have now become synonymous amongst specialists with audio excellence. This
has encouraged our developers to constantly find new technologies for perfect
sound reproduction with innovations that get one step closer to the original.
However, as well as an eagerness to innovate, our company also has constancy as
an important cornerstone. For us, this constancy means working together with
long-standing employees, preserving our know-how, creating timelessly beautiful
products, purchasing our raw materials and parts from reliable and fair suppliers,
maintaining business relationships with reputable partners, and having an open ear
for our customers, even after several years. Naturally the human factor is of
central importance. In the old industrial buildings directly on the lake in Horgen and
on the banks of the same lake in Wädenswil is where our sound systems have
always been created by hand from A-Z in an environment of humanity and crafts-
manship. From the entry level loudspeaker up to the top model, every one passes
through several hands until it reaches the gates of our factory – tested, registered
and carefully packed, to offer an abundance of pleasure and a high level of listening
enjoyment even after several years.
With the founding of the company in 1986, fresh ideas and the use of progressive
materials enabled us to develop an absolutely new ribbon tweeter (Linear Drive
Ribbon) to the ultimate of technical perfection. From this we were able to further
develop the LDR II tweeter and the LDR midrange system.
In 2000 we managed to take a quantum leap with the development of the world‘s
first coaxial ribbon system. For more information on this see “Technology and
Design: However, our products are designed not only to please the ear but also the
eye. For years the well-known Swiss designer, Hannes Wettstein, has been
responsible for the design of our loudspeakers.
Aluminum cabinets: We are the first high-end manufacturer to build our sound
systems in seamless aluminum cabinets and thus set new standards in aesthetic
and technological design.
PIEGA The Company
Kurt ScheuchLeo Greiner