20 Customer Care Center 1-800-732-2677
Frequently Asked Questions
How old does a pet have
to be before using the
Remote Trainer?
•Introduce your PetSafe
Remote Trainer when your dog
graduates from puppy state—usually 6 months old. The
Receiver Collar may be too large for dogs under 8 lbs.
Once my pet is trained
and has been obeying my
commands, will he have
to continue to wear the
Receiver Collar?
•Probably not. He may need to wear the Receiver Collar from
time to time for reinforcement.
Is the Receiver Collar
•Yes. The Receiver Collar that comes with the Remote Trainer’s
with Vibration or Vibration PLUS is designed to be waterproof.
Can I use a PetSafe
Trainer with Vibration with
more than one pet?
•Yes. A second dog can be added to the system. The
additional collar can be purchased at www.petsafe.net or
through our Customer Care Center.
Will I get exactly ½ mile
of range with the
Remote Trainer
•The range you get with your PetSafe
Remote Trainer with
Vibration will vary according to terrain, weather, vegetation,
as well as transmission from other radio devices. To get
the maximum amount of range, ensure the LED light on the
Receiver is pointing up towards the dogs nose. If it’s pointing
down the range will be drastically reduced.
How long can I
continuously deliver
Vibration or Static
Stimulation to my pet?
•There is no time restriction on the Vibration only button.
•If a Static Stimulation button is held up to 12 continuous seconds,
the Red or Green LED will flash rapidly to indicate a safety time-
out. Once released, the button resets to normal functionality.
What do I do if my pet’s
neck becomes red and
•This condition is due to the Contact Points irritating the skin.
Discontinue use of the Receiver Collar for a few days. If the
condition persists beyond 48 hours, see your veterinarian.
Once the skin returns to normal, replace Receiver Collar, and
monitor the skin condition closely.