AFL Switch/Signal-AFL LED
This switch connects the Group’s post-fader signal to the PFL/AFL mix. When the AFL button is in, the
Group’s signal can be monitored through the headphones and/or on the PFL/AFL display. A yellow LED
in the Master section will blink to indicate that the signal on the Master LED display and the Headphone
Output is the PFL/AFL mix. When the AFL button is out, the yellow group LED will blink as an indication
of signal presence (-30 dBu).
Group Fader
This control varies the signal level from -∞ to +10 dB and sends the signal from the Group to the Left
and/or Right buses and to the Group Output jacks (53). The optimum setting is the ø (unity gain)
TO AUX 1 & TO AUX 2 Controls
These controls determine the level of the respective Effects Return signal that is sent to the respective
AUX bus, allowing musicians/singers to hear internal and/or external effects in their monitors.
NOTE: Due to the creation of an electronic feedback loop, do not use AUX Sends 1 or 2 as the path to
external equipment that is to be sent back to the corresponding AUX mix (1 or 2).
This control determines the placement of the Effects Return signal's position with respect to the as-
signed L/R and Group 1-4 buses. Rotating the control counterclockwise (L) sends more signal to the
LEFT output and odd-numbered GROUPS; rotating clockwise (R) sends more signal to the RIGHT output
and even-numbered GROUPS. The C position sends equal amounts to each.
This control determines the level of the Effects Return signal being sent to its assigned buses. It func-
tions similarly to the Channel Faders (13).
1/2, 3/4, L/R Bus Assign Switches
Like the channel assign switches, these buttons determine the bus assignment of the Effects Return
signal. They determine where the signal is being sent.
Mute Switch/Mute-Clip LED
This switch mutes its respective Effects Return from being sent to the buses. This switch is equipped
with a red LED that will illuminate when the Effects is muted. When the Mute button is out, the LED func-
tions as a Clip indicator that will illuminate at 2 dB below clipping.
AFL Switch/Signal-AFL LED
This switch connects the Effects Return post-fader signal to the PFL/AFL mix. When the AFL button is in,
the Effects Return signal can be monitored through the headphones and/or on the PFL/AFL display. A
yellow LED in the Master section will blink to indicate that the signal on the Master LED display and the
Headphone Output is the PFL/AFL mix. When the AFL button is out, the yellow Effects Return LED will
blink as an indication of signal presence (-30 dBu).
Effects 2 Patch Switch
This switch determines whether the Effects 2 processor will be used in the Return 2 or will be patched
to an Input Channel or Group insert point. This switch can also be used to perform the bypass function.
When the effects processor is assigned to the EFX 2 Return, the I/O jack (56) is bypassed. Similarly,
when the effects processor is being patched externally, only the external Stereo Return jacks (57) are
used to return a signal.
Front Panel