Drawing # 1: Rear Panel Connections
120 Vac/60 Hz 5W
R/EQ-150 Room Equalizer
Parasound Products, Inc.
San Francisco, CA USA
Connect Input Jacks
to line Output Jacks
of Preamp or Play/Out
of Receiver Tape
Monitor Loop
AC Connector Connect Output Jacks
to Input Jacks of
Power Amp or Rec/In Jacks
of Receiver Tape Monitor Loop
Placement of Your R/EQ-150
Your R/EQ-150 may be located with your other audio/video components. Once final adjustments have
been made, you can even locate it out of sight. Try to keep your R/EQ-150 away from AC power cords
or power amplifiers that might induce hum and noise. The R/EQ-150 generates virtually no heat so it
does not require ventilation.
AC Connections
Connect the supplied AC cord from the AC inlet of the R/EQ-150 to a nearby AC wall outlet or power
strip. There is no AC switch on the R/EQ-150; it is powered on whenever it is plugged in. Its power
consumption is negligible, so you do not need to worry about switching it on and off with the rest of
your system.
Connecting Your R/EQ-150 Between a Preamplifier and Power Amplifier
Connect your preamplifier’s left and right line or main outputs to the left and right input jacks on your
R/EQ-150. Next, connect the left and right outputs of the R/EQ-150 to the left and right input jacks of
your power amplifier.
Connecting Your R/EQ-150 into a Tape Monitor Loop
If your preamplifier or receiver has an unused tape monitor loop, connect the Rec/Out jacks of the
preamp or receiver to the left and right input jacks of your R/EQ-150. Next, connect the output jacks of
the R/EQ-150 to the Play/In jacks of your preamp or receiver. Press the preamplifier or receiver's
monitor button to engage the R/EQ-150
Connecting Your R/EQ-150 into a Surround System
Connect your surround processor’s front left and right line or main outputs to the left and right input
jacks on your R/EQ-150. Next, connect the left and right outputs of the R/EQ-150 to the left and right
input jacks of your power amplifier. With additional R/EQ-150s, you can also this process for your
center, surround, and subwoofer channels. Do not connect the R/EQ-150 to the processor's input to
prevent overload and distortion.