
To get the most out of your NewClassic Model D 200, you’ll need to know how to connect it
to your other components, how to set it up for your listening space and how to operate it. This
manual is organized in this order:
Connecting Your D 200: pages 8 – 12
This will show you how to make the video and audio connections that go between your
NewClassic Model D 200 and your 5.1 channel or 7.1 channel surround controller (or AV receiver)
and your TV. Which connections you make will depend on the capabilities of the other equipment
in your audio system.
Setting Up Your D 200: pages 15 – 26
This section will show you how to make the selections in your D 200’s Setup Menu to match
your D 200 to your TV and your loudspeakers. You will also learn how to set up each channel to
play at the correct volume level and so that the sound from each channel reaches your seating
position at the correct time. You do not need to make all of these adjustments right away, so feel
free to enjoy your movies now and come back to this section at a later time.
Remote Control Functions: pages 27 – 28
Here you will learn about some of the more advanced buttons on your remote control.
Frequently Asked Questions: pages 29 – 30
There may be answers here if you can’t get something to work correctly. If you are still having
problems, please contact your dealer or call the Parasound Tech Department for technical support.
The telephone number and hours are shown on page 31.