4. Feature-Specific Configuration
9000-A2-GB31-00 December 2002
Modifying ISDN Link Profiles
Once an ISDN Link Profile is configured using the Automatic Backup Configuration
feature, phone numbers and Calling IDs need to be entered. FrameSaver units
with ISDN backup capability can originate or answer calls, as needed, so both
phone numbers and Calling IDs are needed.
1. Select Link Profiles, then Modify.
Main Menu
→Configuration→ISDN→Link Profiles
2. Add a name and phone number to the ISDN Link Profile(s) created by
Automatic Backup Configuration.
— Name for the destination entered (e.g., Tampa). The default setting is
HQ_Site for the first ISDN Link Profile.
— Phone numbers entered:
Remember to include local dial-out numbers (i.e., 9, then the number).
For every originating (outbound) phone number entered, an answering
(inbound) phone number must be entered at the far end, and vice versa.
— Maximum Link Rate (Kbps) set to the appropriate speed, if necessary.
— Caller Identification Method set to Proprietary if call validation is not
required. The setting must be the same at both ends of the circuit.
— An Alternate Outbound Phone Number should a call using the primary
Outbound Phone Number be unsuccessful, if desired.
3. S
ave the configuration.
See Table 3-22, ISDN Link Profile Options, in Chapter 3, Configuration Options,
for configuration information.
For Originating a Backup Call For Answering a Backup Call
Outbound and Alternate Outbound
phone numbers
Valid characters can include:
Numbers (0–9)
Special characters * and #
Parentheses ( )
Inbound Calling ID1 and ID2
These are the phone numbers of units
from which calls will be accepted.
Valid characters can include:
Numbers (0–9)