8310 MVL and 8510 RADSL Card Configuration
January 1999
Table 4-2. Ports Options (3 of 3)
DSL Ports (MVL Parameters) 8310 MVL Card A-B-B
Gives the user the ability to configure the operational and alarm parameters of the MVL
ports on the 8310 card. Each MVL port is configured separately.
NOTE: For the 8510 RADSL card, refer to the previous section of this table,
DSL Ports (RADSL Parameters) 8510 MVL Card.
Action – Edit/Reset. Use Edit to configure the MVL ports. Use Reset to reset the port
and make changes active.
Port # – Enter Port 1–4 (Default = 0).
Behavior – Adaptive. In rate adaptive mode, the rates will vary between the minimum
and maximum speeds as the transmission characteristics of the loop change.
Max Speed – 768/704/640/576/512/448/384/320/256/192/128 kbps (Default = 768).
SN Type – Model number of endpoint. For Model 8310 MVL Card, SN type is 6310.
(This field is read-only.)
Margin Threshold: – Sends a trap message if the margin on either end falls below the
selected value. Enter a value for the margin threshold trap (–5 dB to +10 dB)
(Default = +3). Enter D to disable trap.
Link Down Ct: – Sends a trap message if the number of MVL link down events in
15 minutes exceeds the selected value. Enter a value for the Link Down Count Trap
(0 — 1000). Enter D to disable trap. (Default = 0.)
NOTE: If you have made changes to this screen, select Reset in the Action field to
make the changes active.