4.4 KX-TD Series PBX Programming for DPT
For KX-TD500 programming, refer to 4.5 KX-TD500 PBX Programming for DPT Integration.
Programming procedures and availability may vary by PBX model, software version, etc. Refer to the
documentation included with the PBX or consult your dealer for more information.
• Do not use system programs [106] or [602] for DPT Integration.
• The next 2 sections (4.4.1 KX-TD Series PBX Programming via the Manager’s Extension and
4.4.2 KX-TD1232 Series PBX Programming via the Operating and Maintenance Tool) use the
KX-TD1232 as an example. Refer to these examples when configuring the KX-TA1232 and KX-TD816.
4.4.1 KX-TD Series PBX Programming via the Manager’s
For KX-TD500 programming, refer to 4.5 KX-TD500 PBX Programming for DPT Integration.
It is important that the PBX has the proper software level to allow DPT Integration with the VPS. Follow the
procedures below to confirm the software level, then complete the required programming before starting up
the VPS.
• There are 2 methods of programming available for the KX-TD1232. The instructions below show how
to program without the operating and maintenance tool. For instructions on programming with the
operating and maintenance tool, please see 4.4.2 KX-TD1232 Series PBX Programming via the
Operating and Maintenance Tool.
All of the following procedures must be performed through system programming. Refer to the
KX-TD1232 Programming Guide or Installation Manual for instructions on how to enter the system
programming mode.
Software Verification
1. Verify Software—If you are configuring a 2-cabinet system, remember to check both cabinets. The software
must be the same in each. Check the software version of the KX-TD1232 using System Program [116].
Example: P231U
The underlined digits represent the software production date code (year, month, day). For DPT Integration,
the production date must be 60403 or later.
If the software version of the PBX is lower than this, you may not be able to utilize some of the
features available only with DPT Integration. For more information, consult your dealer.
From the SYS-PGM NO ? screen:
a. Enter [116].
b. Press the NEXT button (SP-PHONE).
c. Enter the system number ([0] or [1], master/slave). The PBX displays the ROM version and the date
it was created.
2. Set the date and time using System Program [000].
3. Set PBX extension numbering using System Program [003].
4. Assign the Voice Mail port. This program tells the PBX which jack will be connected to the VPS. This allows
the PBX to send the proper DPT Integration information to those ports.
• You can assign a maximum of 6 jacks (12 ports) with the KX-TD816 and KX-TD1232.
112 Installation Manual Document Version 3.0 2010/06
4.4.1 KX-TD Series PBX Programming via the Manager’s Extension