2 For assistance, please visit http://www.panasonic.com/phonehelp
Accessory information
Included accessories
*1 The handset cover comes attached to the handset.
Additional/replacement accessories
Sales and support information
L To order additional/replacement accessories, call 1-800-332-5368.
L TTY users (hearing or speech impaired users) can call 1-866-605-1277.
Accessory item Order number Quantity
Charger PQLV30048ZS 1
AC adaptor for charger PQLV206X 1
Battery HHR-P104 1
Handset cover
Accessory item Order number
Rechargeable nickel metal
hydride (Ni-MH) battery
Corded headset KX-TCA86, KX-TCA88HA, KX-TCA91, KX-TCA92,
KX-TCA93, KX-TCA94, or KX-TCA95
Belt clip PQKE10404Z1
THA19(e).fm Page 2 Tuesday, July 18, 2006 2:24 PM