logo Exit Sensor Circuit
Exit sensor detects that the media is at the rear of the Fuser Roller ( Exit of the printer ). When the exit sensor detects the media,
nEXITSEN signal changes from high level to low level. +5VSP is the power of the photo sensors. When the5VCTL signal at pin32
of IC004 ( CPU ) is low level, the transistor Q016 is turned on. This supplies +5V power to the photo sensors. Paper Empty Sensor Circuit
Paper sensor detects that the media is at the Paper Cassette or not. When the media is set in the Paper Cassette, PNON signal
becomes low level. +5VSP is the power of the photo sensors. When the 5VCTL signal at pin32 of IC004 ( CPU ) islow level, the
transistor Q016 is turned on. This supplies +5V power to the photo sensors.
KX-P7105 / KX-P7110