
17, 18
(0, 0)
(0, 1)
(1, 0)
(1, 1)
Recording width capabilities
1728 picture elements along scan line length of
215 mm ± 1%
1728 picture elements along scan line length of
215 mm ± 1% and
2048 picture elements along scan line length of
255 mm ± 1% and
2432 picture elements along scan line length of
303 mm ± 1%
1728 picture elements along scan line length of
215 mm ± 1% and
2048 picture elements along scan line length of
255 mm ± 1%
Recording width
1728 picture elements along scan line length of
215 mm ± 1%
2432 picture elements along scan line length of
303 mm ± 1%
2048 picture elements along scan line length of
255 mm ± 1%
19, 20
(0, 0)
(0, 1)
(1, 0)
(1, 1)
Maximum recording length capability
A4 (297 mm)
A4 (297 mm) and B4 (364 mm)
Maximum recording length
A4 (297 mm)
B4 (364 mm)
Signal.....DCS (Digital Command Signal)
Identification Signal Format.....X1000001
Notifies the capacity of the receiving machine obtained at DIS and announces the transmission mode of the sender. The
added data signals are as follows.
Bit No. DIS/DTC Standard setting DCS
21, 22, 23
(0, 0, 0)
(0, 0, 1)
(0, 1, 0)
(1, 0, 0)
(0, 1, 1)
(1, 1, 0)
(1, 0, 1)
(1, 1, 1)
Minimum scan line time capability of the receiver
20 ms at 3.85 l/mm: T7.7 = T3.85
40 ms at 3.85 l/mm: T7.7 = T3.85
10 ms at 3.85 l/mm: T7.7 = T3.85
5 ms at 3.85 l/mm: T7.7 = T3.85
10 ms at 3.85 l/mm: T7.7 = 1/2 T3.85
20 ms at 3.85 l/mm: T7.7 = 1/2 T3.85
40 ms at 3.85 l/mm: T7.7 = 1/2 T3.85
0 ms at 3.85 l/mm: T7.7 = T3.85
Minimum scan line time
20 ms
40 ms
10 ms
24 Extend field 1 Extend field
25 2400 bit/s handshaking 0 2400 bit/s handshaking
26 Uncompressed mode 0 Uncompressed mode
27 Error correction mode 0 Error correction mode
28 Set to "0". 0 Frame size 0 = 256 octets 1 = 64 octets
29 Error limiting mode 0 Error limiting mode
30 Reserved for G4 capability on PSTN 0 Reserved for G4 capability on PSTN
31 Unassigned 0
32 Extend field 1 Extend field
Validity of bits 17, 18
Bits 17, 18 are valid
Bits 17, 18 are invalid
0 Recording width
Recording width indicated by bits 17, 18
Recording width indicated by this field bit
34 Recording width capability 1216 picture elements along
scan line length of 151 ± mm 1%
0 Middle 1216 elements of 1728 picture elements
35 Recording width capability 864 picture elements along
scan line length of 107 ± mm 1%
0 Middle 864 elements of 1728 picture elements
36 Recording width capability 1728 picture elements along
scan line length of 151 ± mm 1%
0 Invalid
37 Recording width capability 1728 picture elements along
scan line length of 107 ± mm 1%
0 Invalid
38 Reserved for future recording width capabilities. 0
39 Reserved for future recording width capabilities. 0
40 Extend field 1 Extend field
41 Semi super time / mm 1
42 Semi super time / mm 0
43 Super time 0
44 Inch 0
45 mm 1
46 MSC/SF 0
47 Select Polling 0
48 EXT 0
Note 1 - Standard facsimile units conforming to T.2 must have the following capability: Index of cooperation (IOC)=264.