
Depending on the type of moving picture files, the above Loop Repeat Function may not be available.
While playing a Video file, pressing down on the Joystick button will allow you to zoom in on the Video.
You can zoom in 2X or 4X. Pushing the button once will zoom in 2X. Pushing the Joystick button again will zoom in 4X.
While zoomed in on the Video you can also pan across it by using the Joystick.
Push Joystick button to while the video is playing back to pause the moving picture. When you push the Joystick
button to
, you can advance the video frame by frame.
The file being played runs once, then stops.
The file being played will be repeated.
All the files in the folder will be played repeatedly.
Files to be played will be selected randomly and played.
Loop Repeat Function is not used.
CH- Button while a moving picture file is
being played will setup the beginning of a Loop
After the above icon is displayed, if you want
to setup the end of a Loop Repeat, press CH-Button
once more, then the specified loop will be played
back repeatedly.
- When Pressing the CH+ (*Fn+) Button
While Playing a Moving Picture File
- When Pressing the CH- (*Fn-) Button
While Playing a Moving Picture File
How to Operate each Mode