Sometimes a performance problem can be easily solved by checking seemingly apparent but often over
looked possibilities. Before arranging for service, check these items It could save your time and money.
[_1:| k'! DI| Ill l RIL'I kx. IH[II|II[|PlIHII |] H [H I I_.,1_1I_[.
POSSI BL,_: Rl,:_*IEI)'l
[ I r_ a ne',_ channel il OK, then po,xihlc ,t_at ion tastable
I, TV plugged in ¸_
Power at outlel ¸_
It TVs POWER button on ¸_
[s antenna connected to terminal c_n th_ back of the set ?
It outside anlerma is bein_ used. cheek Io[ harken wi:c
Checi_ f(_r local rater f,:ren, ¢
¸[urn off Wilh POWER button and then turn il on after aht_ut ,_ n_inut_
Adjust COLOR control
Adjust CONTRAST & BRIGHT control
Check batteries in ReliK)te Contrul
J ;
i !
[IPIBIll Ol"iII gl_ blKIO I_11[0_.II II [|_-_, [lllllNq K_IUKU I | lULl II [l]_.h
Closed Caption Problem
My TV is showing cap ons ha re
My TV _itl IlOl S]IO",_,the lext in ils cmircl_
_lr there is a delay _l¸whal is being said¸
Possible Remedy
YIm art" watching a live bRoadcast and spelling errors madc by the
closed captiooing production clnnpa0y n_ay pass thlough uacorre_:t
ed A prerecorded pnlgram will not show any misspelled words
because of the nornlal llano awliiabte filr editing the caplions
Caplions tl3al ale dela3cd a le_ sccoilds behind tile actual dialogue
arc conmlol3 _/ll live2 bioadcas[', MOM capllollin_ ploduction COilqpd-
hies can display a dialogue t{, a inaximum of 220 words per minute.
[I¸ a dialogue exceeds thal talC. selective editing is used to insure that
the caption', rel_laln up 1{i date with (hi: cttrr_2nt TV screen dialogue
My captions are scrambled _ith white ]nterfi'rence caused bv btiildiilg D_er ncs, h nders r s. ett
boxes oN lh¢_TV t._r_eo, tllav .:atl,,_ ,,cratllblcd i_l¸ it]_.l)lllplclt2 _2aptiolls [11 _ppear
My program guide ]isled a TV show as Broadcaslcrs n/ay at times use a tPne comprcssPm pro, tess It> Ihc
being c]ot.ed captioned actual program so that addititmal advertising time can be given¸
but none of the captions were displayed Since the dec(> le ¸ can _ cad he c repressed information, captit_ns
will be lost¸
i My prerecorded videotape does not show The videotape was either an illegal copying or lhe tape duplicating
i any captions. The tape box mentions it company accidentally left out the captioning signals during the
being closed captioned, copying process.
i V
My T screen sh{_s a black box on ccrlam You are in the TEXT mode¸ Select CAPTION mode or CAPTION
[_hannels. IOFFI.
"" AS an ENERGY STAR(_ Partner our company has determined that this product meets
_the ENEI_G¥ STAR ® 9uidelines for energy efficiency ENERGY STAR _' is a OS registere0 mark¸
• Wipe the front panel and other exterior sur-
faces of the TV with a soft cloth immersed
in lukewarm water and wrung dry.
• Never use a solvent or alcohol. Do not spray
insecticide liquid near the TV. Such chemi-
cals may cause damage and discoloration to
the exposed surfaces.
Wipe the picture tube of the TV with a soft
cloth. Befbre cleaning the picture tube. discon-
nect the power cord•
Remote control unit t"h
Batteries ("AA" x 2) _-_
Television system: NTSC-M
TV Standard
Closed Caption
Channel coverage
Tuning System
Channel access:
§15.l 19/FCC
Remote control: Digital encoded
infrared light system
ten]perature: 5°C to 40°C
2- 13 Puwer requirements: AC!20V, f0Hz
14 - 69 Power consumption
2 - 13. A - W. (Maximum): 72W
W+ t - W+84. Picture tube: 19"
A-5 -A 1, 5A Dimensions: H : 16-3/4"1428mm)
181 channel W: 18-3/4"(475mm)
frequency synthesized D : 18"(454mm)
tuning system Weight: 37•5 Ibs. (I 7kg)
Direct access keyboard. Accessories: : Renmte Control trait
programmable ,_ith 2"AA"batteries
scan and up/down : Owner's Manual
Antenna input: VHF/UHF/CATV
75 ohm unbalanced
Video input: RCA connector x I
Audio input: RCA connector x 1
Earphone: 1/8" monaural (3.5mm}
i | I KH i[t Jill I_'t [ KIII | Ill| i [O]_._i
Sound output: IW, 8 ohm
•Designs and specifications are subject to
change without notice and withuut our
legal obligation.
•If there is a discrepancy between languages.
the default language will be English.