English VHF NX2000
1.1 Priorities
• Read all rules and regulations pertaining to priorities and keep an up-to-date copy
handy. Safety and distress calls take priority over all others.
• You must monitor Channel 16 when you are not operating on another channel.
• False or fraudulent distress calls are prohibited under law.
1.2 Privacy
• Information overheard but not intended for you cannot lawfully
Be used in any way.
• Indecent or profane language is prohibited.
1.3 Radio licenses
1.3.1 Ship station license
When your craft is equipped with a VHF FM transceiver, you must have a current radio
station license before using the transceiver. It is unlawful to operate a ship station which
is not licensed. Inquire through your dealer or the appropriate government agency for a
Ship-Radiotelephone license. This license includes the call sign which is your craft’s
identification for radio purposes.
1.3.2 Operator’s license
A restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit is the license most often held by small
vessel radio operators when a radio is not required for safety purposes. The Restricted
Radiotelephone Operator Permit must be posted near the transceiver or be kept with
the operator. Only a licensed radio operator may operate a transceiver. However, non-
licensed individuals may talk over a transceiver if a licensed operator starts, supervises,
ends the call and makes the necessary log entries. A current copy of the applicable
government rules and regulations is only required to be on hand for vessels in which a
radio telephone is compulsory. However, even if you are not required to have these on
hand it is your responsibility to be thoroughly acquainted with all pertinent rules and