4.3 Optional Accessories
Below find a selection of optional accessories available. Please contact your local NX2
dealer for more information.
NX2 Completes
22118-3 Multi Control instrument and Server, 8m cable
22118-2 Multi Control and Server with Speed Log and depth transducer, 8m cable
22118-1 Speed log with log transducer, 8m cable
22118-4 Wind Data, with transducer, 25m cable, mast bracket
22118-5 Compass Data, with transducer 35°, 8 m cable
22118-6 GPS Navigator, with GPS Antenna, 8+10m cable
NX2/Nexus Transducers
22120-1 Server compl with 3m power cables
20707 Log/Temp transducer, 8 m cable (for Nexus and Star)
19915-8 Depth transducer, 8m cable (for NX2 only)
21731 Compass transducer 35°, 8m cable
20860 Compass transducer 45°, 8m cable
20721 Wind transducer, 25m cable, mast bracket
20721-1 CF-wind transducer, Carbon Fibre, 1260mm long, 380g, no mast cable incl.
20594 Nexus mast cable 25m
21721 MTC (Mast Twist Compensation) box, 8m cable, for Wind Data instr.
69980 MRC (Mast Rotation Sensor Compensation) box
21970 GPS Antenna, with NMEA 0183 output
21735 Bracket for GPS Antenna and 35° Compass transducer for bulkhead mount
NX2 Digital Instruments (all supplied with 0.2m cable)
22117-1 Speed log instrument
22117-3 Multi Control instrument
22117-4 Wind Data instrument
22117-5 Compass Data instrument
22117-6 GPS Navigator instrument
22117-7 Autopilot instrument
NX2 Analog Instruments (all supplied with 0.2m cable)
22115-01 NX2 Analog Wind Angle
22115-02 NX2 Analog Steer Pilot
22115-03 NX2 Analog Speed Trim
22115-05 NX2 Analog Speed 0-16kts
22115-06 NX2 Analog Speed 0-50kts
22115-07 NX2 Analog Depth 0-200m
22115-08 NX2 Analog Depth 0-600ft
22115-09 NX2 Analog Rudder angle
22115-10 NX2 Analog Compass
22115-11 NX2 Analog GPS Speed 0-16kts
22115-12 NX2 Analog GPS Speed 0-50kts
22115-13 NX2 Analog GPS Course
Nexus Remote Control Instrument
21210 Remote Control Instrument (RCI), with Autopilot control, 5m cable, bracket
21218-1 Bracket Remote Control instrument
20966 Connector 4-pole, NEW model (Allows cable - cable connection)