
5.3 Applicable Systems
This section describes MELSEC-QS series systems that include the master/local module.
(1) Applicable safety CPU modules and the number of mountable modules
(a) Safety CPU module
The following safety CPU module is applicable to the master/local module.
(b) Number of mountable modules
For the number of mountable modules, refer to the following.
QSCPU User's Manual (Hardware Design, Maintenance and Inspection)
(c) Mounting to a MELSECNET/H remote I/O station
The master/local module cannot be mounted to any MELSECNET/H remote I/O stations. Mount the module on
a safety base unit on which a safety CPU module is mounted.
(2) Applicable programming tool
GX Developer is required for setting and diagnosing master/local modules.
GX Works2 cannot be used.
(3) Module replacement
Replacing the module before the following time elapses is recommended.
Safety CPU module Serial number (first five digits)
QS001CPU 13042 or later
Software Version
GX Developer Version 8.98C or later
Module Replacement time
Master/local module 10 years
Master/local module
Programming tool available for
master/local modules
Applicable CPU modules, and the
number of mountable modules
Page 58, Section 5.3 (1)
Page 58, Section 5.3 (2)