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4.2 Monitorable Access Range and Device Specifying Method
4.2.1 Monitorable access range
The GOT can monitor only the remote inputs/outputs and remote registers (read/write
area) of the GOT assigned to the master station and the internal devices of the GOT.
The devices that can be monitored are indicated below.
Setting Device Range
Monitorable Devices
Number of occupied
stations:2 station
Number of occupied
stations:4 station
Remote inputs (RX)
RXn0 to RX(n+3)F RXn0 to RX(n+7)F
Remote outputs (RY)
RYn0 to RY(n+3)F RYn0 to RY(n+7)F
Specified bits (RWw) of remote registers (write area) RWwm to RWwm+7 RWwm to RWwm+F
Specified bits (RWr) of remote registers (read area) RWrn to RWrn+7 RWrn to RWrn+F
GOT bit register (GB)
GB64 to GB1023
Bit designation of GOT data register (GD) GD64 to GD1023
Remote registers (write area) (RWw)
RWwm to RWwm+7 RWwm to RWwm+F
Remote registers (read area) (RWr) RWrn to RWrn+7 RWrn to RWrn+F
GOT data register (GD)
GD64 to GD1023
Converting GOT bit register to word (GB) 1 GB64 to GB1023
GOT special register (GS)
GS0 to GS511
1 Can be monitored only when the GOT-A900 Series is used.
2 n and m in the table indicate the addresses assigned to the master station by station number setting.
Dedicated command monitor is enabled for the GOT data registers (GD) only.
4.2.2 How to specify devices when creating the monitor screen
When creating the monitor screen, set the following devices as the devices to be
(1) Setting of NW number and PLC station number
Set "NW number to 0" and "PLC station number to host station".
(2) Setting of device names and device numbers
Set the following device names.
As the device numbers of the remote inputs/outputs and remote registers, set the
addresses assigned by station number setting.
Device to Be Monitored
Device Name Set
on Graphics Software
Setting Device Range
Remote inputs (RX) X X0 to X7FF
Remote outputs (RY) Y Y0 to Y7FF
Remote registers (write area) (RWw) Ww Ww0 to WwFF
Remote registers (read area) (RWr) Wr Wr0 to WrFF