Current Requirements
Each USW-1P requires approximately 3 Arms @115V (1.5
Arms@230V) for proper operation, allowing up to five USW-
1P to be powered from one 15 A circuit. However, we recom-
mend powering no more than three USW-1Ps per 15 A branch
to allow a 30% margin for peak voltages. The USW-1P
presents a dynamic load to the AC mains which causes the
amount of current to fluctuate between quiet and loud operat-
ing levels. This affects the number of USW-1Ps that can be
used for a given breaker type. Since different types of cables
and circuit breakers heat up and trip at varying rates, it is
essential to understand the types of current ratings and how
they correspond to circuit breaker and cable specifica-
The maximum continuous RMS current is the maximum
RMS current over a duration of at least 10 seconds. It is used
to calculate the temperature increase in cables, which is used
to select cables that conform to electrical code standards. It is
also used to select the rating for slow-reacting thermal break-
The maximum burst RMS current is the maximum RMS
current over a one second duration. It is used to select the
rating for most magnetic breakers.
The maximum instantaneous peak current during burst is
used to select the rating for fast-reacting magnetic breakers
and to calculate the peak voltage drop in long AC cables
according to the formula
= Ipk x Rtotal cable
Use the table below as a guide to select cables and circuit
breakers with appropriate ratings for your operating voltage
USW-1P Current Ratings
S 2.8A 1.4A 3.2AMRsuounitnoC.xaM
SMRtsruB.xMa 3.2A 1.6A 3.7A
tsruBgnirudkaePxMa 5.0A 2.5A 5.8A
To determine the minimum total service power required by a
system of USW-1Ps, or other Meyer self-powered speakers,
add their maximum continuous RMS currents together. We
recommend allowing an additional 30% above the minimum
amperage to prevent peak voltage drops at the service entry
and nuisance tripping.
Power Connector Wiring
Use the following AC cable wiring diagram to create interna-
tional or special-purpose power connectors:
AC cable color code
If the colors referred to in the diagram don't correspond to the
terminals in your plug, use the following guidelines:
• Connect the blue wire to the terminal marked with an
N or colored black.
• Connect the brown wire to the terminal marked with an
L or colored red.
• Connect the green and yellow wire to the terminal
marked with an E (or ) or colored green (or green and
Safety Issues
Do not use a ground-lifting adapter or cut the AC
cable ground pin.
Keep all liquids away from the USW-1P to avoid
hazards from electrical shock.
Do not operate the unit with worn or frayed cables;
replace them immediately.
If the USW-1P will be installed outdoors, contact
Meyer Sound for information about the optional rain
hood which protects the amplifier and heat sink from
rain. Weather protection for the drivers is also avail-