■ Ultimate Short-Term Peak Current — A rating for fast-
reacting magnetic breakers.
■ Inrush Current — The spike of initial current encoun-
tered when powering on.
You can use the following table as a guide for selecting
cable gauges and circuit breaker ratings for the system’s
operating voltage.
The minimum electrical service amperage required by an
MM-10AC subwoofer system is the sum of the Maximum
Long-Term Continuous Current for each unit. An additional
30 percent above the minimum amperage is recommended
to prevent peak voltage drops at the service entry.
NOTE: For the best performance, the AC cable
voltage drop should not exceed 10 V, or
10 percent at 115 V and 5 percent at 230 V. Make
sure that even with AC voltage drops that the AC
voltage always remains within the operating window.
Pay close attention to these important electrical and safety
■ The MM-10AC requires a grounded outlet. Always use a
grounded outlet and plug.
■ Do not use a ground-lifting adapter or cut the AC cable
ground pin.
■ Do not exceed the current capability of the 20-amp AC
Input connector for the MM-10AC. When looping
MM-10ACs, consider the total current draw for all units
on the circuit, including the first.
■ Make sure the AC power cable for the MM-10AC has the
appropriate power plug (on the other end) for the area in
which you will operate the unit. In addition, the AC power
cable must be rated for the total current draw of all
MM-10ACs looped from the power source.
■ Do not operate the unit if the power cable is frayed or
■ Keep all liquids away from the MM-10AC to avoid haz-
ards from electrical shock.
The MM-10AC includes an XLR female Audio In connector
and XLR male Audio Loop Out connector.
Audio In Connector
The XLR female Audio In connector accepts balanced audio
signals with an input impedance of 10 kOhm. The connector
uses the following wiring:
■ Pin 1 — 220 kOhm to chassis and earth ground (ESD
■ Pin 2 — Signal (+)
MM-10AC Current Draw
Current Draw 115 V AC 230 V AC 100 V AC
Idle Current 0.13 A rms 0.13 A rms 0.14 A rms
Maximum Long-Term
Continuous Current
0.40 A rms 0.25 A rms 0.46 A rms
Burst Current 0.9 A rms 0.4 A rms 1.1 A rms
Ultimate Short-Term
Peak Current
2.0 A peak 1.4 A peak 2.3 A peak
Inrush Current 4.0 A peak 2.4 A peak 4.0 A peak
Earth ground
Chassis ground
MM-10AC Audio In and Audio Loop Out Connectors