
Line Array Meyer Sound Laboratories Inc
Information and specifications are applicable as of the
date of printing. Updates and supplementary information
are posted on the Meyer Sound web site at:
or you may contact Meyer Sound Technical Support at:
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When AC power is applied to the M3D or M3D-Sub, the
Intelligent AC™ supply automatically selects the correct
operating voltage, allowing the loudspeakers to be used
internationally without manually setting voltage
switches. The Intelligent AC supply performs the
following protective functions to compensate for hostile
conditions on the AC mains:
suppresses high-voltage transients up to several
filters common mode and difference mode radio
frequencies (EMI)
sustains operation temporarily during low-voltage
provides soft-start power-up, which eliminates high
inrush current
Refer to Table 2 on page 20 of Appendix A for a
complete listing of power requirements and
specifications for the M3D Line Array, or Table 3 on
page 23 for the power requirements and specifications
for the M3D-Sub Directional Subwoofer.
The M3D or M3D-Sub can withstand continuous voltages
up to 275 V and allows any combination of voltage to
GND (that is neutral-line-ground or line-line-ground).
The M3D or M3D-Sub uses a NEMA L6-20P, an IEC 309 or
a multipin VEAM male power connector and satisfies
worldwide product safety standards.
AC Power Distribution
All amplifier modules and the rest of the audio equipment
connected to it (mixing consoles, processors, etc.) must
be connected to the AC power distribution in a proper
way, preserving AC line polarity and connecting earth
ground such that all grounding points are connected to a
single node or common point using the same cable gauge
as the neutral and line(s) cables.
Bad grounding connections between speakers and the
rest of the audio system may produce noise, hum and/or
serious damage to the input/output stages in the
system’s electronic equipment.
Figure 3 shows a sample three-phase AC distribution
system, with the load between speakers distributed
among the three phases and all of the loudspeakers
connected to common neutral and earth ground points.
Voltage Requirements
The M3D or M3D-Sub operates safely and without audio
discontinuity if the AC voltage stays within either of two
operating windows: 85-134 V or 165-264 V, at 50 or
60 Hz. Refer to Table 2 on page 20 for the M3D or Table 3
on page 23 for the M3D-Sub for detailed AC voltage
After applying AC power, the proper operating voltage is
automatically selected, but the system is muted. During
the next three seconds the following events occur:
1. The primary fans turn on.
2. The main power supply slowly ramps on.
3. The green
LED on the user panel lights up,
indicating that the system is enabled and ready to
pass audio signals.
Continuous voltages higher than
275 V can damage the unit.
Before applying AC to any Meyer
Sound self-powered speaker, be sure that the
voltage potential difference between neutral
and earth ground is less than 5 VAC.
Figure 3.
AC power distribution block diagram
Line 1 Line 2 Line 3
Earth Ground