An EveAnna Manley Production
Featuring concept, layout and industrial design by EveAnna Manley,
Starring: Paul Fargo for Input Innovations
Hutch for Output Outovations
Inspired by : David Manley
Mastered by: Baltazar Hernandez
Titled by: J. Gordon Holt
Contributing Players:
Michael Hunter transformer specialist
Marcelino Tornez assembly supervisor
Elias Guzman silk screens and PCBs
Miguel Tovar knobs and feet
It all began at last year's HI-FI show, at the bar of course -J. Gordon Holt with his traditional martini, and
EveAnna Manley with her stimulant of choice, a cup of coffee. She was describing this new integrated
amplifier she wanted to build and drew a one of those legendary "bar napkin drawings". Gordon
remarked "It looks like a stingray" (the fish, not the car) - and so, in honor of Gordon, we call this little
jobbie "The Stingray".
The Power Amps are from David's 50 watt Monoblocks with newly developed transformers from Michael
and Hutch (for exceptionally clean highs and more power in the lows). The passive PreAmp came from
EveAnna and her talent of finding just the right parts. The Input stage was developed by Paul to further
extend the HF response. Balta did all the circuit board and metal work drawings and assembled the
prototypes - no small feat. Speaking of small feet, Miguel machines each foot and knob in-house.
Marcelino oversees the entire assembly process and designed one of the PCBs. Paul strenously tested
every prototype and Hutch, as usual, just listened.
You can blame this silly manual on Hutch