Surface Clarity
The markings extending downward from the zero line on the chart are
called "surface clutter." These markings are caused by wave action,
boat wakes, temperature inversion and more.
The surface clarity control reduces or eliminates surface clutter sig-
nals from the display. It does this by changing the sensitivity of the
receiver, decreasing it near the surface and gradually increasing it as
the depth increases.
There are three levels of surface clarity available: low, medium, or high.
It can also be turned off. The default level is off.
To adjust the Surface Clarity level:
1. From the Sonar Page, press
Sonar Features menu with Surface Clarity selected (at left, dual-
frequency menu; at right, single-frequency menu).
2. Press ↓ or ↑ to select clarity level|EXIT|EXIT|EXIT.
In the illustration at left, Surface Clarity is turned off.
The right view shows Surface Clarity set at High.
Surface clutter