Sun/Moon Calculations: finds the rising and setting time of the sun
and the moon.
Trip Calculator: shows trip status and statistics.
Timers: controls the up timer, down timer and alarm clock settings.
Browse MMC Files: this allows you to view the installed MMC card
and the files it contains.
The unit has five Page displays that represent the four major operating
modes. They are the Satellite Status Page, the Navigation Page, the Map
Page and Sonar Page. They are accessed by pressing the
PAGES key,
then using → or ← to select a Page. (Clear the Pages Menu by pressing
Pages Menu showing Sonar display options.
Satellite Status Page
The Satellite Status Page provides detailed information on the status
of the unit's satellite lock-on and position acquisition. To get to the Sat-
ellite Status Page: Press the
PAGES key, then use → or ← to select
STATUS. (Clear the Pages Menu by pressing EXIT).
This page represents a GPS function, so it is discussed in much greater
detail in Sec. 6.
No matter what Page you are on, a flashing current position indica-
tor/question mark symbol and flashing GPS data displays indicate that
satellite lock has been lost and there is no position confirmed.
Do not begin navigating with this unit until the numbers
have stopped flashing!