Magnetic Variation
Converts magnetic north data to true north, increasing the accuracy of navigation information.
The Magnetic Variance Auto setting, automatically converts magnetic north to true north.
Note: When using manual mode, you will have to input the magnetic variance.
Monitors the location of satellites in view and the quality of the unit’s satellite lock-on. The
Satellite page has two display options.
The Satellite screen displays a circular graphic that shows where satellites are located and a
bar graph that monitors the strength of satellites within range of your unit. Your unit is locked
on to satellites shown with blue bars.
Depth offset
Is a value that can be entered to make the depth on the Sonar page represent either depth
below the transducer or depth below the surface.
The depth offset can be found via Menu, Settings, Sonar, Installation.
A: Depth below Keel value: Is the distance from transducer to the keel.
Enter a negative value.
B: Depth Below Transducer: no offset required.
C: Depth Below Surface (waterline) value: Is the distance from transducer to the surface.
Enter a positive value.