LGC-3000 and display unit as an expandable NMEA 2000 network.
The diagram above has a double T connector with two 120-ohm termina-
tors — one at each end of the connector. It is easy to expand this network
by removing a terminator from one end of the double T connector, then
inserting a new T connector or extension cable between the double T con-
nector and terminator (See the NMEA 200 network general information
document that came with your unit for more information).
NMEA 0183 Wiring (Data cable)
To exchange NMEA 0183 data, this unit has two NMEA 0183 version
2.0 communication ports. Serial Communications Port one (Com1) and
Serial Communications Port two (Com2) can be used to transmit or re-
ceive NMEA format GPS data.
The five wires for the Serial Communications Ports are combined with
the Display Unit Power cable and NMEA 2000 Power cable to form the
power/data cable (shown earlier). Com1 uses the yellow wire to trans-
mit, the orange wire to receive and the shield wire for signal ground.
Com2 uses the blue wire to transmit, the green wire to receive and the
shield wire for signal ground.
Extension cable
Double T
Network port
on display unit
Extension cable