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Chart | Lowrance HDS Gen2 Touch
Navionics settings
Optional settings for Navionics charts
Traditional 2D chart Chart with shading
Colored Seabed Areas
Colors different parts of the seabed to provide better definition of
seabed composition.
Determines what area information, such as names of locations and
notes of areas, is available on the display.
Presentation type
Provides marine charting information such as symbols, colors of
the navigation chart and wording for either International or U.S.
presentation types.
Chart details
Provides you with different levels of geographical layer information.
Safety depth
The Navionics charts uses different shades of blue to distinguish
between shallow and deep water.
Safety depth sets the threshold where depth is drawn without blue
Contours depth
Determines which contours you see on the chart down to the
selected safety depth value.
Rock ltering
Filters rocks below a selected depth.