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Weather | Lowrance HDS Gen2 Touch
Sea surface temperature (SST)
Can be shown as color shading or text.
When color coding is selected, the SST color bar will be shown on
the left side of the display.
You can define which temperature range that shall be color coded
as described later in this section.
Wave indication
Colors are used to indicate forecasted wave height. Dark red indi-
cate the highest waves, while blue are used for the lowest.
You can define which height range that shall be color coded as
described later in this section.
Wind symbols
Length and rotation of the barbs indicate wind direction and speed.
Adjusting the color shading
You can define the sea surface temperature range and wave height
color coding.
The temperature above warm and below cool values will be dis-
played as progressively darker red and darker blue.
Waves higher than the maximum value will be indicated with pro-
gressively darker red. Waves lower than the minimum value will not
be color coded.
Weather icons
Several weather icons are available to show current or predicted
weather conditions. You can tap an icon to display detailed weather