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Wiring | HDS Gen2 Touch Installation Manual
NMEA 0183 device connection
The HDS has a NMEA 0183 serial port, providing both an input and
output for NMEA 0183 data.
The port can be set to dierent baud rates, up to 115,200 baud. The
NMEA0183 sentences output can be individually turned on or o.
Refer to the section Supported Data / NMEA 0183 for a complete list
of sentences.
1 Data cable (combined in same plug as power cable)
2 Transmit: A (yellow), B (blue)
3 Receive: A (orange), B (green)
4 ground (shield)
¼ Note: The majority of NMEA 0183 devices communicate at 4,800
baud. AIS is a common exception, and normally transmits at 38,400