
Your FireWire Repeater / HUB
4.1 VS-4FW FireWire Repeater / HUB
Figure 1 and Table 1 define the VS-4FW:
Figure 1: VS-4FW FireWire Repeater / HUB
Table 1: VS-4FW FireWire Repeater / HUB Features
# Feature Function
1 12V DC +12V DC connector for powering the unit
2 ACTIVE LED Lights when a cable from an external device is connected
3 PORT 1 Connects to the FireWire device 1
4 PORT 2 Connects to the FireWire device 2
5 PORT 3 Connects to the FireWire device 3
6 PORT 4 Connects to the FireWire device 4
7 ON LED Illuminates when receiving power