6 7
I can’t connect the Keyboard to my iPad.
Try the following in sequence. You can stop when the problem is fixed.
1 Make sure you have installed and set up Bluetooth correctly on your iPad. Check the
documentation that came with your iPad for instructions.
2 Make sure that the Keyboard is within range of your iPad. Maximum Bluetooth range
is about 10 meters/33 feet.
3 If your iPad is connected to other Bluetooth devices, you may need to disconnect
some devices before you can connect to the Keyboard.
4 If you changed any Bluetooth settings on your iPad, try connecting the Keyboard to
your iPad again.
5 Make sure that both your iPad battery and the Keyboard battery are sufficiently
If this does not solve the problem, please contact Kensington Support at kensington.com.
Technical Support
Technical support is available to all registered users of Kensington products. Technical
Support contact information can be found on the back page of this manual.
Web Support
You may find the answer to your problem in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section
of the Support area on the Kensington Website: www.support.kensington.com.
Telephone Support
There is no charge for technical support except long-distance charges where applicable.
Please visit www.kensington.com for telephone support hours. In Europe, technical
support is available by telephone Monday to Friday 09:00 to 21:00 (Central European
Please note the following when calling support:
• Callfromaphonewhereyouhaveaccesstoyourdevice.
• Bepreparedtoprovidethefollowinginformation:
– Name,address,andtelephonenumber
– NameoftheKensingtonproduct
– Makeandmodelofyourcomputer
– Systemsoftwareandversion
– Symptomsoftheproblemandwhatledtothem
Failure to read and follow these safety instructions could result in fire, explosion, electrical
shock or other hazard, causing serious and/or fatal injury and/or property damage.
• Donotmodify,disassemble,open,drop,crush,puncture,orshredtheKeyStand.
• TheKeyStandcontainsalithium-polymerbattery,whichisflammable.Keepawayfromopen
• Topreventshortcircuitorotherpotentialhazards,preventmetalobjectssuchascoinsorkeys
or its ports.
• KeepyourKeyStanddry,anddonotusewithwethands.MoistureinorontheKeyStandmaylead
to electrical shock. If exposed to moisture during use, unplug the KeyStand immediately. If your
KeyStand gets wet, have a qualified technician evaluate the product’s safety before resuming use.
• YourKeyStandmaybecomewarmduringoperation.Thisisnormal.However,toprevent
overheating, keep area around KeyStand ventilated and do not place anything on or around
KeyStand during operation. Do not operate your KeyStand near a heat source, heat vent, or in
• IftheKeyStandbeginstoswellorexpand,emitsastrongodor,orbecomeshottothetouch,
discontinue use of the KeyStand, and have the product examined by a qualified electronic
• InspectyourKeyStandandcablesfordamagebeforeuse.Haveanydamagedpartrepairedor
replaced before use.
• YourKeyStandisnotuserserviceable.Donotattempttoopen,modify,orrepair.
• IfthebatteryinsidetheKeyStandleaksforanyreason,discontinueuse,anddonotallowthe
KeyStand’s contents to contact your skin or eyes. In the event of accidental contact wash the
affected area with large amounts of water and seek medical attention immediately.
• YourKeyStandisnotatoy.Keepthemawayfromchildren.Insurethatallpersonswhousethis
product read and follow these warnings and instructions.
• DonotleavetheKeyStandonprolongedchargewhennotinuse.
Enhancing Performance by Proper Care and Storage of your KeyStand
• DonotstoreyourKeyStandeitherfullychargedordischarged.ItisbesttostoreyourKeyStand
with at least 30 % charge remaining. To check the charge level of your KeyStand press the battery
indicator button.
• AvoidfrequentfulldischargesbecausethisputsadditionalstrainonthebatteryintheKeyStand.
Charge your KeyStand between uses even if it is not fully discharged. The lithium-polymer battery
used in this product has no “memory effect.” Therefore, several partial discharges with frequent
recharges are better than one full discharge, and will help prolong the life of your KeyStand. Short
battery life in laptops is mainly caused by heat, rather than charge/discharge patterns.
Do not store your
at elevated temperatures (such as in your car) or in high humidity.
Disposing of your KeyStand
• DonotincinerateordisposeofyourKeyStandinafireormicrowave.
• DonotdisposeofyourKeyStandasordinaryrefuse,asitcontainsalithium-polymerbattery.
Consult your local municipal or civil authority for instructions on correctly disposing of a
lithium-polymer battery.
• IntheUSAandCanada:Thismark
indicates your KeyStand can be recycled by the
Rechargeable Battery Recovery Corporation (“RBRC”). When you are ready to dispose of the
KeyStand, please contact the RBRC at 1-800-8-BATTERY or www.rbrc.org.
This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses. and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment causes
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,
the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna.
• Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver.
• Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfromthattowhichthereceiverisconnected.
• Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianforhelp.
MODIFICATIONS: Modifications not expressly approved by Kensington may void the user’s authority to operate the
device under FCC regulations and must not be made.
SHIELDED CABLES: In order to meet FCC requirements, all connections to equipment using a Kensington input device
should be made using only the shielded cables.
device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including