10. I accidentally unplug the power from my
Wireless Video Receiver, and the movie
becomes playing on my main display of my
computer. How do I bring it back to the other
(extended) monitor?
Please stop the movie that is currently playing
and close the player on the computer. Plug in
the power adapter back to the Wireless Video
Receiver. Restart your movie and you should
be able to drag the movie to the extended
11. I accidentally unplug the power from my
Wireless Audio Receiver, and the sound is
gone. How do I make it work again?
Please stop the movie or music that is cur-
rently playing and close the player on the com-
puter. Plug in the power adapter back to the
Wireless Audio Receiver. Restart your movie
or music and you should be able to hear the
sound again. If this is not working, please refer
to page 61 and make sure the correct audio
device is selected on your computer.