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Forecast Conditions can be selected to display the forecasted weather
within 400 statute miles from your boat. Forecast Conditions refresh every 2
minutes and include hail or storm potential, the 30 minute forecast for your
current location, and the forecast for over 150 selected cities across the
• View Forecast Information: Press the MENU key once to access the
Weather X-Press™ Menu, and select Forecast Weather from the
Weather Display menu option.
• Forecast Weather is displayed next to the Signal Icon to indicate
that the weather forecast is being displayed in the view.
• Forecast Conditions are represented by colors on your screen. Weather
icons are not displayed on the forecast display (see Weather Legend,
Icons, and Select Readouts).
• Unavailable conditions are represented by diagonal lines over the
chart in Weather View. To access information for a certain location,
use the 4-WAY Cursor Control key to move the cursor to the location,
and press the INFO key (also, see Views: City and Spot Forecasts).
Forecast Conditions