15PC 45 Corn/Pellet Stove
The PC45 Corn/Pellet Stove is capable of manual operation. This also allows the op-
erator to manually control operation during an emergency (i.e. ignitor failure, when using a
502H battery backup, or when using certain generators.)
The unit can be switched between "AUTO" and "MANUAL" at any time during operation.
NOTE: When starting the unit in the "AUTO" mode and switching to "MANUAL",
the fire must be large enough to turn the ignitor light off (located on the control
board). This is a signal that the start cycle is completed and the fire will not go out.
Manual Stove Temperature Mode
Fig. 24: Room Temperature Mode: This setting will produce a
room temperature of 70 degrees with the distribution blower
at medium speed.
Igniter Switch to "MANUAL"
Room Temperature Mode
The fire will have to be lit with starting gel and a
match, or started automatically, see "Automatic Op-
eration". Turn to "Manual" position when the fire is es-
The difference between "AUTO" Room Tempera-
ture Mode and "Manual" Room Temperature Mode is
that the fire will not go out as the room temperature
goes above the control board setting. The unit can only
go to low burn and will remain there until it runs out of
fuel or until more heat is needed and the feed rate in-
creases. Feed rate adjustments and dial settings are
the same as "AUTO" settings.
Igniter Switch to "MANUAL"
Stove Temperature Mode
The advantage of this mode is to allow the opera-
tor to have a large viewing fire without blowing extra
heat into the room.
During operation, with the temperature dial set at
#5 or less, the distribution fan will not operate. A #5 on
the temperature dial and a #5 on the feed adjuster is
approximately 80% output. It is not necessary to oper-
ate the distribution blower below this point. Therefore,
there can be a higher feed rate ( a larger viewing fire)
without an excess of hot air blowing into the room.
An example of when to use the Manual Stove Tem-
perature Mode is if you want to watch a large fire and
the room is already up to temperature. The Stove Tem-
perature Mode allows you to have a larger fire and a
lower sound level, without the distribution blower.
NOTE: During the use of this mode, if you
keep increasing the temperature dial setting to in-
crease the fire size, the distribution blower will au-
tomatically come on when the ESP Temperature
reaches 350
F, or 81% output.
Fig. 25: This setting will produce a large viewing fire without a
distribution blower operating.