3 - 6 3800g User’s Guide
User-Specified Reread Delay
If you want to set your own length for the reread delay, scan the bar code below,
then set the delay (from 0-30,000 milliseconds) by scanning digits from the inside
back cover, then scanning
Centering Window
Use the centering feature to narrow the imager’s field of view so the imager reads
only the bar code you want. When centering is turned on, the imager only reads
codes that intersect or are contained within the centering window you set up. At
least part of a bar code must be within the window to be decoded or output by
the imager.
To change the left or right edge of the centering window, scan Centering On, then
scan one of the following bar codes. Then scan the percent you want to shift the
centering window using digits on the inside back cover of this manual. Scan
Save. Default Centering = 40% for Left, 60% for Right.
User-Specified Reread Delay
Left of Centering Window
Right of Centering Window
* Centering Off
Centering On