14 GC-1393F
4. Place PTFE washers, p/n: 23721-04 on top and
bottom of uid valve, p/n: 23743-00.
1. Ensure bores are clean before building material
2. Insert bearing, p/n: 23768-01 into gun body.
3. Insert seal, p/n: 23763-00 into gun body. (Ensure
holes in seal are aligned with holes in gun body.)
5. Lubricate outside of uid valve, p/n: 23743-00 with a
generous amount of Aqua lube (21266-00) and insert
into seal with holes aligned with holes in the gun body.
6. Insert bearing, p/n: 23768-01 into gun body.
7. a. Use 3/8 in. twelve point socket to rst snug P/N
23764-00 to hand tight, continue ½ turn past snug.
Torque reading 20 ft lbs / 88 Newton.
b. Loosen ¼ turn and return until snug, continue ¼
turn past snug. Torque reading 25 ft lbs / 110 Newton.
c. Loosen ¼ turn and return until snug, continues 1/8
turn past snug. Torque reading 30 ft lbs/ 133 Newton.
8. With piston, p/n: 23755-00 pushed back (in on posi
tion), Place packing disks, p/n: 23721-04 followed by
gears, p/n: 23775-01 and tighten set screw.
9. Activate air and retract gun trigger. Loosen P/N
23764-00 until valve rotate, alternate adjustment if both
valves were adjusted.