Daily Gun Care, Flushing, and Cleaning
3A0149C 15
5. Increase the pressure slowly. Point the gun down
into a grounded metal container, and flush the gun
with solvent until all traces of fluid are removed from
the gun passages.
6. Turn off the solvent supply.
7. Relieve the pressure.
8. Disconnect the solvent supply hose (T) from the
9. If it is necessary to remove the diffuser (5) to clean,
trigger the gun while you remove the diffuser with
the gun tool (30).
10. Dip the end of a soft-bristle brush into a compatible
solvent. Do not continuously soak the brush's bris-
tles with solvent and do not use a wire brush.
11. With the gun pointed down, clean the front of the
gun, using the soft-bristle brush and solvent.
12. Scrub the air cap retaining ring (6), air cap (21), dif-
fuser (5), and spray tip (33) with the soft-bristle
brush. To clean out air cap holes, use a soft tool,
such as a toothpick, to avoid damaging critical sur-
faces. Blow air through the spray tip to ensure the
orifice is clean. Clean the air cap and spray tip daily,
minimum. Some applications require more frequent
IG. 19
IG. 20
Trigger the gun whenever you tighten or remove the
diffuser (5). This keeps the needle ball away from
the seating surface and prevents the seat from
being damaged.
FIG. 21
IG. 22