2 313516C
Models .............................2
Warnings ...........................3
Selection Charts .....................5
Air Flow ............................8
Installation .........................10
Setup .............................14
Operation ..........................18
Troubleshooting .....................21
Service ............................23
Repair Kits .........................28
Accessories ........................34
Dimensions ........................36
Mounting Hole Layouts ...............38
Technical Data ......................43
Graco Standard Warranty .............44
Graco Information ...................44
NOTE: A manifold is required for each gun to be installed. Refer to the Parts section for manifold
Orifice Size
in. (mm) Conventional HVLP Compliant
General Metal 0.020 (0.5) 24B333 24B334 24B335
General Metal 0.030 (0.8) 24A747 24A754 24A761
General Metal 0.042 (1.1) 24A748 24A755 24A762
General Metal 0.055 (1.4) 24A749 24A756 24A763
General Metal 0.070 (1.8) 24A750 24A757 24A764
General Metal with Fluid Control Knob 0.030 (0.8) 24A751 24A758 24A765
General Metal with Fluid Control Knob 0.042 (1.1) 24A752 24A759 24A766
General Metal with Fluid Control Knob 0.055 (1.4) 24A753 24A760 24A767
High Wear 0.059 (1.5) 24A774 24A776 24A778
High Wear 0.070 (1.8) 24A775 24A777 24A779
High Wear 0.086 (2.2) 24B336
High Wear 0.110 (2.8) 24C316
Wood 0.030 (0.8) 24A768 24A770 24A772
Wood 0.040 (1.0) 24A769 24A771 24A773