Daily Gun Maintenance
312579H 9
Daily Gun Maintenance
General Tasks
Follow the Pressure Relief Procedure,
page 8.
• Frequently lubricate the gun moving
parts with a drop of non-silicone oil.
• Do not disassemble the spray gun if you
are having a spray pattern problem. See
Troubleshooting, page 11, for information
on how to correct the problem.
• Clean the fluid and air line filters daily.
• Check for fluid leakage. Tighten fittings
or replace equipment as needed.
Flush before using the equipment, before
changing colors, and when you are done
spraying. Use solvent that is compatible with
gun wetted parts and with the fluid that will be
1. Follow Pressure Relief Procedure,
page 8.
2. Dispose of any paint in the cup.
3. Fill the cup with a small amount of solvent.
4. Spray into a grounded metal waste
container until the equipment is clean.
5. Follow Pressure Relief Procedure,
page 8.
Clean Gun and Cup
1. Flush, page 9.
2. Dampen a soft cloth with solvent and wring
out the excess. Point the gun down and
wipe off the outside of the gun and cup.
3. Make sure cup lid vent hole is clear.
4. Blow dry gun inside and out. Lubricate.
Solvent left in gun air passages could result
in a poor quality paint finish. Do not use any
cleaning method that may allow solvent into
the gun air passages.
• Do not point gun up while cleaning it.
• Do not wipe gun with a cloth soaked in
solvent; wring out the excess.
• Do not immerse the gun in solvent.
See Compliant Cleaning Methods,
page 10, to comply with air quality laws if
• Do not submerge gun in solvent. Solvent
dissolves lubricant, dries out packings, and
clogs air passages.
• Do not use metal tools to clean air cap
holes as this may scratch them and distort
the spray pattern.
• Use a compatible solvent.
See Compliant Cleaning Methods,
page 10, to comply with air quality laws if