Technical Data
310813D 25
Technical Data
Honda GX120 Engine
ANSI Power Rating @ 3600 rpm 4.0 Horsepower
(2.9 kW)
Maximum working pressure 3300 psi
(227 bar, 22.7 MPa)
Noise Level
Sound power 100 dBa
per ISO 3744
Sound pressure 86 dBa
measured at 3.1 feet (1 m)
Maximum delivery rating 0.75 gpm (2.84 liter/min)
Maximum tip size 1 gun with 0. 027 in. tip
Inlet paint strainer 12 mesh (893 micron)
stainless steel screen, reusable
Outlet paint filter 60 mesh (250 micron)
stainless steel screen, reusable
Pump inlet size 1¼-12 unf-2b
Fluid outlet size ¼ npsm from fluid filter
Wetted parts zinc-plated carbon steel,
PTFE, Nylon, polyurethane, UHMW polyethylene, fluo-
roelastomer, acetal, leather, aluminum, tungsten carbide,
nickel- and zinc-plated carbon steel, stainless steel,
chrome plating
(without hose and gun)
Weight lb (kg) Height in. (cm) Width in. (cm) Length in. (cm)
248664 Hi-Boy 89 (40.4) 31.5 (80) 22.5 (58) 31 (79)
248666 Lo-Boy 89 (40.4) 31.5 (80) 22.5 (58) 31 (79)