309225W 25
Motor is hot and runs intermittently.
This is NOT a thermal overload con-
dition. Motor automatically shuts off
due to excessive heat. Damage can
occur if cause is not corrected.
Thermal Overload, page 5.
Vent holes in enclosure are plugged
or sprayer is covered.
Keep vent holes clear of
obstructions and overspray and
keep sprayer open to air.
Extension cord is too long or not a
heavy enough gauge.
Replace extension cord. Read
Grounding and Electrical
Requirements, page 5.
Unregulated electrical generator
being used has excessive voltage.
Use electrical generator with a
proper voltage regulator. Sprayer
requires 120VAC, 60 Hz,
1500-Watt generator.
Sprayer was operated at high
pressure with very small tip which
causes frequent motor starts and
excessive heat build up.
Decrease pressure setting or
increase tip size.
Building circuit breaker opens after
sprayer operates for 5 to 10 minutes.
Too many appliances are plugged in
on same circuit.
Free up circuit (unplug things), or
use a less busy circuit.
Sprayer electrical cord is damaged.
Check broken insulation or wires.
Replace electrical cord if
Extension cord is damaged or too
long or not a heavy enough gauge.
• Plug in something that you
know is working to test exten-
sion cord.
• Replace extension cord.
Fan pattern varies dramatically while
Sprayer does not turn on promptly
when resuming spraying.
Pressure control switch is worn and
causing excessive pressure variation.
Take sprayer to Graco/magnum
authorized service center.
Cannot trigger spray gun. Spray gun trigger safety is locked.
Rotate trigger safety lever to
unlock SAFETY, page 8.
Spray comes out of spray gun in two
thick streams.
Reversible spray tip is in UNCLOG
Rotate arrow-shaped handle on
spray tip so it points forward in
SPRAY position.
Paint is coming out of pressure
control switch.
Pressure control switch is worn.
Take sprayer to Graco/magnum
authorized service center.
Spray-Prime/Drain valve actuates
automatically relieving pressure
through drain tube.
System is over pressurizing.
Take sprayer to Graco/magnum
authorized service center.
Paint leaks down outside of pump. Pump packings are worn.
Replace pump packings.
Problem Cause Solution