8 309662
T roubleshooting (Continued)
Engine operates, but
Connecti ng rod worn or damaged Replace connecting rod. See page 14.
acement pump
oes not
Drive housing worn or damaged Replace drive housing. See page 15.
Pinion asse mbly worn or damaged Service pinion assembly. See page 16.
Engine operates, displace-
ment pump operates, but no
Flow control is set to PRIME Set flow control to LOW/MED/HIGH while
triggering gun.
pressu re at gun.
Fluid system over--pressurized Sprayi ng material is too thick or th e mate-
rial hose is too long. Use a less course
mate rial or a shorter hose.
Gun nozzle/disk is clogged Check and cl ean nozzle/disk as needed.
Switch to a larger nozzle/disk.
Material flowing out drain line Check for air leaks to dump valve.
Check dump valve for wear, replace as
Air flow sensor dirty or damaged.
Pump is packed out Disasse mble and clean pump (see page
8), hose(s) and gun.
Low fluid delivery
Siphon hose strainer is clogged. Clean or remove stra iner
Engine RPM too low Increase engine speed. See Startup,
procedure in operator manual.
Flow control set too low Increase flow control to MED or HIGH
Hose too long or material to o
Change to a shorter hose or less coarse
Material flowing out drain line Check dra in line for a constant flow of
mate rial when sprayer is operating in
Check for air l eaks to prime valve.
Check dump valve for wear, replace as
Gun nozzle/disk is clogged Check and cl ean nozzle/disk as needed.
Switch to a larger nozzle/disk.
Pump is packed out Disassemble and clean pump (see page
8), hose(s) and gun.
Loss of air control or volume
at gun
Gun air passages clogged with
After releasing gun trigger, make sure
system is fully depressurized before trig-
gering gun again. This helps prevent
mate rial backing into gun passages.
Air filter dirty Clean or replace element
Air flow sensor dirty or damaged Check air filter.
Clean air flow sensor (see page 4) or re-
place as needed.
Displacement pump output
Piston ball (220) not seating Clean piston area. See page 12.
ow on upstro
Piston packings worn or damaged Replace packings. See page 12.
Siphon hose coupling gasket (1e)
worn or mi ssing.
Replace or install gasket
Pump cylinder o-ring (205) worn or
Replace o-ri ng