
2 3A2716D
The ADM (1) is installed with the Reactor 2/Integrated
Reactor 2 software. The simulation software on the blue
simulator token (4) overrides the Integrated Reactor
software and will simulate all of the functions of an ADM
installed on a Reactor 2 or Integrated Reactor 2.
1. Remove cover and ensure blue simulator token (4)
is inserted in the Advanced Display Module - ADM
(1). Replace cover.
2. Connect transformer (2) cable to the ADM left port.
Connect to a power outlet.
3. Turn on the ADM (1).
4. The ADM can now simulate all functions of an ADM
installed on a Reactor 2 or Integrated Reactor 2.
See Reactor manual for information about screens,
icons, and functions.
Use in Reactor 2 or
Integrated Reactor 2
To use the simulation module in any Reactor 2 or Inte-
grated Reactor 2, complete the following:
1. Disconnect the transformer from the power outlet.
2. Check that the ADM has the latest software.
a. Turn on the ADM and go in Setup Mode.
b. View the Advanced Screen - 4 and note the
software version.
c. Identify the latest software version for the Reac-
tor 2 or Integrated Reactor 2. The latest soft-
ware version for the system can be found at
www.graco.com. If you have the latest software
continue to step 3.
d. Purchase a new black token (3) if the software
on the ADM is not the latest software. See man-
ual 3A1244 for software downloading process.
3. Remove cover and remove the blue simulator token
4. Replace cover.
Use ADM in Other
The module must be programmed with scrub software
to use the ADM in other products or simulators. Pur-
chase scrub token 16N147.
1. Remove cover and blue simulator token (4).
2. Insert the scrub token. See manual 3A1244 for soft-
ware downloading process.
3. Replace cover.
Return to Simulation
If the ADM needs to be converted back to a simulation
module, reinsert the blue simulator token (4).