20 311320H
Clean Injection Slots
1. Perform Pressure Relief Procedure (page
13) and Clean Spray Gun Procedure, page
2. Remove check valves.
FIG. 18: Check Valves
3. Inspect check valves to ensure sleeve is
secured, and place check valves in sepa-
rate containers of gun cleaner.
4. Flush cleanout ports with gun cleaner.
5. Turn valving rod adjustment screw one full
turn counterclockwise to ensure valving rod
will be withdrawn completely past injection
6. Clean mixing chamber injection slots. With
air supply connected to gun, depress and
hold trigger to keep valving rod in open
position. Insert appropriate cleanout spade
into cleanout hole and mixing chamber.
7. Flush injection slots. With valving rod in
open position, flush each injection slot with
gun cleaner. Press flush can needle firmly
into cleanout hole to create seal. Continue
until gun cleaner sprays out chamber tip.
8. Inspect and clean check valves, page 22.
9. Install tall hexhead check valve on Isocya-
nate side, and short hexhead on Resin
10.Adjust valving rod adjustment screw one
turn clockwise.
To prevent damage to chamber, do not
release trigger while cleanout spade is in
chamber slot.
A-Iso Check Valve
(tall hexhead)
Clean-out Port
(both sides)
R-Resin Check Valve
(short hexhead)