DVS 304 • Serial Communication
Command ASCII (Telnet
(host to processor
URL Encoded (Web
(host to processor
(processor to host
Additional description
Ethernet data port
Set current connection
port timeout
E0 *X6( TC}
W 0 %2A X6( TC
Pti 0 *
X6( ]
View current connection
port timeout
E0TC }
X5! ]
Set global IP port timeout
E1 * X6( TC }
W 1%2AX6(TC
Pti1 *
X6( ]
View global IP port
E1TC }
X6( ]
Firmware version requests
An asterisk (*) after the version number indicates the version currently running. Caret (^) indicates bad checksum/invalid load. Question marks (?) indicate version not loaded.
Query firmware version Q or 1Q Q or 1Q
X1! ]
Show the processor’s firmware version
number (
X1!) to two decimal places. Gives
the number of the currently running version
of the user-updatable firmware.
Query verbose version
0Q 0Q All responses
from 2Q-3Q-4Q
Show bootstrap, factory-installed, and
updated firmware versions. (See 2Q, 3Q,
and 4Q, below.)
Example: 1Q 1Q 1.01
Query bootstrap version 2Q 2Q
X1! ]
The bootstrap firmware is not user-
replaceable but you may need this
information for troubleshooting.
Example: 2Q 2Q 0.06
Query factory firmware
3Q 3Q
X1!(plus web ver.-
desc-UL date/time)
Factory-installed firmware is not user
replaceable. This firmware is the version
the processor reverts to after a mode 1 reset
(see chapter 2).
3Q 3Q 1.00(1.37-DVS 304
Series -Fri, 12 Aug
2005 03:28:10 GMT)
In this example, the factory firmware version
is 1.00, (the kernel version 1.37), for the
DVS 304,dated 12 August, 2005
Command/response table for IP control port commands
X1! = Version number (listed to 2 decimal places)
X5! = Extended-security (Password) levels: 1 – 10. The response is returned as 2 digits with a leading zero
X6( = The number of seconds before timeout on the IP connection: (min = 1; max = 65000; default = 30 = 300 seconds). See page 3-6 for information